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First Lady Anna opens Keukenhof flower park

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 22.03.2012 15:01
Poland's first lady, Anna Komorowska, opened the Keukenhof flower park near Amsterdam, Wednesday, which now includes a new variety of tulip named after her.

Anna Komorowska with tulips: photo - EPA/INGE Van Mill

Anna Komorowska was accompanied to the opening of the park by Princess Margriet, sister of Queen Beatrix.

Poland is one of the main themes in this year's attractions at the world-famous flower gardens and a star exhibit is a giant flower mosaic of Chopin.

First Lady Komorowska met with Polish ex-pats when she was in the Netherlands, at a time when a web site run by nationalist MP Geert Wilders is asking the Dutch to report illegal activities by Poles and other central and eastern European immigrants to the site.

The web site has been condemned by the European Parliament, though Dutch PM Mark Ruttee has yet to do so. (pg)

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