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Poland condemns ‘intolerant’ Dutch website

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 14.02.2012 11:30
The ambassadors to Holland of ten European countries, including Poland, have written a letter to the Dutch parliament condemning a web site that calls on citizens to inform on ‘new EU’ migrants.
Photo: PAPPhoto: PAP

photo - sxc.hu

The web site, run by the populist Party for Freedom (PVV), has already been condemned by the EC as "an open call for intolerance."

Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Human Rights and Citizenship, declared that "we solve our problems by showing more solidarity, not by telling tales on fellow citizens."

Readers of the controversial web site are invited to "tell their stories" about alleged job losses of Dutch citizens to Central and Eastern European migrants. Informants may also level accusations of criminal behavior.

The Polish ambassador to Holland, Janusz Stanczyk, has already spoken out against the web portal, in which "hard working Poles" are portrayed as "contaminating the Dutch jobs market."

The PVV party, led by Geert Wilders, has no places in Holland's current centre-right cabinet, but the country's minority government gained its majority through support from the PVV. It is the third largest party in Dutch politics.

Pressure on the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, to condemn the PVV web site is mounting, but thus far, he has been reluctant to be drawn into the dispute.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen, has come forward on the matter.

"This cabinet stands for the free movement of workers," he said, noting that "Eastern Europeans have also made a great contribution to our economy."

Nevertheless, he added that "we don't shut our eyes to the problems: unfair competition, bogus temp agencies, exploitation," and what he described as "nuisance." (nh/pg)

Source: IAR

tags: Netherlands
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