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Poland expresses solidarity with Belarus opposition

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 19.12.2011 10:12
Poland's Foreign Ministry has expressed solidarity with the Belarusian opposition on the anniversary of “brutal repressions” which followed disputed presidential elections on 19 December last year.

“On the anniversary of the brutally repressed protests against the undemocratic presidential elections in Belarus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its solidarity with the people of Belarus,” says a statement by Foreign Ministry spokesman Marcin Bosacki, Monday morning.

Thousands took to the streets of Minsk, the capital of Belarus, on 19 December last year after Aleksander Lukashenko was declared the winner of elections with just under 80 percent of the vote, giving him a fourth term in office.

Mass arrests followed which were condemned by the EU and US.

“In particular, we unite with the arrested Belarusians who, despite repression have retained their dignity as human beings who are internally free,” the statement by Poland's Foreign Ministry continues.

“We regret that the authorities in Minsk continue a wave of persecution. This policy deepens the isolation of Belarus.” (pg)

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