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EU defence ministers meet in Wroclaw

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 23.09.2011 16:10
EU defence ministers met in Wroclaw, Friday, to discuss the bloc’s security policy and cooperation with non-member partners.
EU defence ministers meeting in Wroclaw, September 2011. Photo: PAP/Maciej Kulczynski

The Friday sessions of the defence summit held in the Lower Silesian capital covered three major areas.

The first concerns current military operations of EU forces, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as two missions planned in Somalia with the aim of increasing that country’s security.

The defence ministry heads are also reviewing the expansion of defence capabilities of individual EU member states and cooperation with NATO, the UN and partner countries.

On Thursday, Polish defence minister Tomasz Siemoniak met for bilateral talks with his French and Swedish opposite numbers. Their discussions centered on EU defence matters and building partnership relations with the Union’s eastern neighbours. (ss/jb)

Source: IAR

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