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Polish fruit and veg allowed back into Russia

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 08.07.2011 18:25
Poland is to resume vegetable exports to Russia following talks between a delegation from the Polish Agriculture Ministry the Russian chief sanitary inspector, Gennadiy Onishchenko.


Onishchenko said that an agreement has been reached and Russia is waiting for documents from Poland ascertaining the guarantees of Polish foodstuffs.

“As soon as the conditions are fulfilled the Russian market will open to Polish products,” Onishchenko announced in a statement.

The Russian embargo on the imports of fresh vegetables was introduced on 2 June following an outbreak of the E.Coli bacteria in the EU.

Despite earlier agreements reached with Brussels, Russia previously agreed to renew imports from only four EU countries – Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark. (ab/jb)

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