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Poland goes to EU experts over Russian Smolensk investigation

Administrator Administrator 20.01.2011 08:57
Poland will present EU aviation experts with what the government in Warsaw claim is proof that Russia violated international procedures in its report into the Smolensk disaster last April.


The statement came from Col. Edmund Klich, the officially accredited officer liaising with the Russian side on the investigation, who participated in a Brussels meeting of heads of European organizations studying air traffic accidents.

Klich told journalists his observations on problems encountered by Poland during the investigation conducted by the Russian authorities drew the interest of the participants.

An official presentation enumerating Poland’s case in April. “It will cover over fifty documents the Polish side had motioned Moscow for, but never received,” Klich explained.

Col. Klich said Poland aims is to reveal the full truth about the causes of the presidential plane crash at Smolensk military airport on 10 April last year to union aviation experts.

This will surely undermine the validity of the MAK report, which Poland claims, represented a one sided evaluation of the accident in its report last week – when it claimed pilot error for the crash - and in violation of European standards concerning this type of investigation. (ss)

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