Algae could pose health risk
PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle
03.08.2011 14:28
An extensive bloom of blue-green algae, which may pose a health risk to bathers, has been spotted on the Baltic Sea close to Szczecin, northwestern Poland
Experts from WWF Poland warn holiday makers to pay special attention to unusual skin rashes they may develop after swimming in the sea.
One of the main causes of blue-green algae blooms is eutrophication, or excess richness of nutrients in the water – especially nitrates and phosphates coming mainly from fertilizers used in farming and from washing powders.
“When blue-green algae form extensive blooms, the balance in the eco-system of the Baltic Sea gets destroyed”, Anna Marzec from WWF Poland told Polish Radio.
One its results are oxygen deserts on the sea bed, which in turn cause many sea organisms to die.
Toxic algae blooms are also a health risk to people bathing in the sea and water sports enthusiasts.
Since a half of nitrates and phosphates ending up in the Baltic Sea are a run off from farming, the future Common Agricultural Policy of the EU members states will have a great impact on the condition of the Baltic Sea, says Anna Marzec. (kk)