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Law and Justice starts media campaign

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 12.07.2011 12:33
The main opposition conservative Law and Justice party has launched a media campaign which is to present what its spokesman describes as the ‘painful truth’ about Poland governed by the Civic Platform party of Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Law and Justice presents its pre-campaign spot to the press. Photo: PAP/Pawel Kula

The campaign consists of six radio spots, to be aired over the next eight days by Poland’s major broadcasters, except for the country’s largest private radio station, RMF which refused to broadcast the pre-campaign spots.

One television spot is also to be broadcast by public television and two privately-owned stations. The spots feature a young mother, a university graduate, a teacher, a businessman, an old-age pensioner, a football fan and a car mechanic, all talking about their problems, connected primarily to their jobs or a lack of work opportunities.

Their message to Prime Minister Tusk is – “Thank you, you’ve done enough. It’s time for bold decisions”.

Law and Justice leaders claim this is not yet an election campaign as no official announcement of the date of the parliamentary elections has been made. President Komorowski has said that October 9 is the most likely date for the general elections, however. (mk/jb)

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