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Poles confident about EU presidency, poll reveals

PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp 02.07.2011 15:56
A new survey released on Saturday shows that the majority of Poles is confident that Poland will do well as it holds the rotating EU Council presidency.


A survey commissioned by Polish Radio, and undertaken by the Homo Homini Institute, shows that 72 per cent of respondents voiced conviction that Poland’s performance will not let down EU expectations with regard to running the most important Union affairs.

Respondents also voiced that the Polish presidency, which started on 1 July, will be successful in accomplishing all the so-called ‘priorities’ set earlier by the Warsaw government.

Head of the Homo Homini Institute, Marcin Duma explains the strong optimism reflected in the figures comes from a sense of national pride and testifies to diminishing doubts as to Poland’s position among major countries and nations in Europe, as well as its ability to perform a leading role in the international community.

Marcin Duma further remarked that the survey results prove that the period of European integration had been used effectively by Poland and this has boosted Polish society’s self-evaluation.

From among the surveyed group of 1,100 on 1 July, only 5.1 percent of respondents thought Poland’s EU presidency would mark an absolute failure, while 6.7 percent shared a slightly less pessimistic view. (ss/jb)

tags: opinion poll
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