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Most Poles against clock shifts: study

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 28.03.2019 12:17
Over three in four Poles—78.3 percent—are against moving clocks forward in spring and then back again in the autumn, officials said on Thursday, citing a study.
Image: Security/pixabay.com/CC0 Creative Commons

Only 14.2 percent of Poles are in favour of retaining a twice-a-year time shift, according to the Enterprise and Technology Ministry.

The ministry cited a study it commissioned from pollster CBOS.

The European Parliament on Tuesday voted in favour of abandoning the practice of moving clocks back and forward by an hour.

European Union lawmakers decided they wanted the time changes scrapped from 2021.

Before a final law is produced, the issue will be discussed with countries that are members of the EU, which Poland joined in 2004.


Source: PAP

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