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Polish justice minister proposes plan for consecutive jail terms

PR dla Zagranicy
Victoria Bieniek 24.07.2018 11:15
Poland’s justice minister has floated a proposal for punishments for crimes to be served consecutively, calling the current system of concurrent sentences a “bonus” for criminals who commit multiple offences.
Zbigniew ZiobroZbigniew ZiobroTracz/KPRM (Public Domain)

In an interview for public broadcaster Polish Radio, Zbigniew Ziobro referred to a verdict in Lublin, eastern Poland, where a “culprit was convicted for 20 crimes, including rape, armed robbery, fraud, possession of stolen goods, battery”.

“If we were to add up the penalties, he would have gotten 61 years” in jail, Ziobro said.

But because punishments in Poland are served concurrently he only received a 15-year sentence.


Source: PAP

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