PiS way ahead in polls
PR dla Zagranicy
Victoria Bieniek
06.02.2018 12:31
Poland’s ruling conservative Law and Justice party would pick up 42 percent of the vote if parliamentary elections were to be held this week, according to a new poll.
Pole casts vote. Photo: Radomil talk/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
According to the survey for the Rzeczpospolita daily, conducted by pollster IBRiS, Poland’s main opposition party, Civic Platform, would get 20 percent and the Democratic Left Alliance – which did not win enough votes to get a seat in the current parliament – would get seven percent of votes.
The five-percent threshold required for entering Parliament would be also exceeded by the Polish People’s Party, Kukiz ’15, and Modern, the survey found.
The support for Law and Justice would translate into 269 seats in the 460-seat Parliament.
The next parliamentary elections are scheduled for the autumn of 2019. Local government elections will be held later this year, most probably in November. (mk/vb)