EU has no ‘instruments’ to impose sanctions on Poland: MEP
PR dla Zagranicy
Grzegorz Siwicki
29.08.2017 12:00
The European Union’s executive arm, the European Commission, has no “formal or legal instruments” to impose sanctions on Poland amid a standoff between Warsaw and Brussels, the Polish vice-president of the European Parliament (EP), Ryszard Czarnecki, said on Tuesday.
Ryszard Czarnecki. Photo: PR24/JW
The politician, who hails from Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, told Polish Radio that seven EU member states opposed a potential move to slap sanctions on Poland when “polled tentatively” on the matter during a European Council meeting a few months ago.
"Some other countries perfectly understand that it may be Poland today, and it could be them tomorrow," Czarnecki added.
That is why there is no possibility of sanctions being imposed on Poland, he told Polish Radio.
Czarnecki also argued that Brussels is attacking Poland for its refusal to accept immigrants.
"What is happening around Poland now, and indeed what has been going on for almost two years, should essentially be viewed in terms of consistent media propaganda and political pressure from a part of the leftist and liberal EU elites which see Poland as a stumbling block, because it has steadfastly opposed the plan to accept non-European immigrants, mainly Muslims," Czarnecki said.
Czarnecki also told Polish Radio that a “serious debate” about the future of the European Union is likely to begin after elections in Germany in September.
This debate is likely to continue until the end of next year, according to Czarnecki. (str/pk)
Source: IAR