Electric cars still rare in Poland: report
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
03.02.2017 12:59
Poland saw 65 percent year-on-year growth in the number of new electric cars on its roads in 2016, even though only 556 such cars were registered, the Gazeta Wyborcza daily has reported.
Photo: pexels.com
Since in 2015 Poles only registered 337 electric cars, the percentage growth in 2016 was considerable, but the overall number of such cars is “disappointing”, wrote the paper.
The Law and Justice (PiS) government announced last year that by 2025 Poland aims to have one million electric cars on its roads, in a bid to cut carbon emissions from transport.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the number of registered electric cars in 2016 amounted to just 0.1 percent of all cars registered in Poland.
In Europe, the leader in terms of electric cars registration is Norway, with 45,000 new electric cars last year, Britain with 37,000 and France with 29,000, the paper said.
Source: Gazeta Wyborcza