Party leader suggests changing parliamentary rules
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
18.01.2017 08:22
The leader of the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jarosław Kaczyński, has said that Poland will need to change the rules of parliament if the opposition stages another protest.
PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński. Photo: Drabik
Speaking to the public TVP broadcaster, Kaczyński said that if in the future there are cases of such behaviour by the opposition in parliament, then the party will need to “adapt”, and “respond appropriately”.
“We will have to change the rules of the parliament,” Kaczyński said.
Opposition MPs recently occupied the parliament's plenary hall for 27 days in a stand-off with the governing party over a disputed vote on the 2017 budget.
Civic Platform (PO), the largest opposition party, called off the strike last week, but maintained that the budget vote was illegal, questioning whether a quorum was met when MPs from the governing party met in an ancillary room and voted through the bill.
PiS has repeatedly said that there were no irregularities in the vote, and the bill went on to be passed by the upper house – where PiS holds a majority – and days later signed into law by President Andrzej Duda.
PiS's Kaczyński has said that the attempt by the opposition to destabilise the government was a “coup” attempt, and MPs who participated should face legal consequences. (rg)