Prosecutors probe Polish gov't flight from London
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
14.12.2016 12:50
The Warsaw district prosecutor's office is investigating whether officials neglected their duties after a government plane scheduled to fly from Britain to Poland was reportedly overloaded.
Polish prosecutors are examining "a suspected failure by public officials to fulfill their duties in organizing flight from Warsaw to London and London to Warsaw," Michał Dziekański, a spokesman for the office, told the PAP news agency on Wednesday.
The head of the Prime Minister's Office, Beata Kempa, has said that government rules for flights with top officials on board were "not broken" during a November 28 flight of a Polish government delegation after intergovernmental talks in the UK.
The passengers, among them the Polish prime minister, deputy prime minister, foreign minister and defence minister, who flew to London in two planes for the talks, all boarded the earlier of two return flights, according to a journalist from the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily, who was one of the passengers.
The journalist said the pilot refused to fly an overloaded plane.
He added this resulted in an hour-long delay as negotiations among passengers ensued to determine who would stay and who would take the second flight six hours later.
Prosecutors started an investigation after being notified by Poland's opposition Nowoczesna party. (pk)
Source: PAP/Dziennik Gazeta Prawna