Poland to exhume bodies of 2010 plane crash victims
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
22.06.2016 11:34
The Polish prosecutor has told the relatives of the victims of the 2010 Smolensk plane crash that all the bodies which were not cremated will be exhumed for testing.
The wreckage of the presidential plane in 2010. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
“Comprehensive post-mortem examinations, also using computer tomography in the field of toxicology and DNA will be important for determining the injuries of the victims and the causes of their deaths, as well as to reconstruct the final moments of the disaster and its causes. It is vital to clarify the underlying thread of the investigation, despite several years having passed since the disaster,” the national prosecutor said on Tuesday.
A meeting with the relatives of the disaster victims was attended by the head of Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jarosław Kaczyński, whose twin brother, President Lech Kaczyński, was one of 96 who died in the crash near Smolensk airport in western Russia on 10 April 2010.
The fact that the PiS leader was among the dozens of families who attended the meeting with Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro and his deputy Marek Pasionek might indicate that the body of Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria Kaczyńska, who also died in the crash, might be exhumed.
The PiS party has vowed to bring several people involved in the organisation of the flight to justice, as well as to get to the bottom of why the president's Tupolev plane crashed while approaching the runway of Smolensk airport.
Source: Newsweek