Polish watchdog denies threatening party leader on Facebook profile
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
10.12.2015 18:28
Polish watchdog the Committee for the Defence of Democracy (KOD) is under fire for allegations that their leader published a death threat directed at Law and Justice party head Jarosław Kaczyński via Facebook.
Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland's lower house of parliament on Thursday. Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Law and Justice won a landslide victory in the 25 October general election, and the watchdog was founded on 20 November.
“[KOD] strongly protests against the proliferation of such rubbish that our leader, Mateusz Kijowski, supposedly posted ‘we will not hesitate before shooting Jarosław Kaczńyski,’” a statement on the committee's official Facebook profile stressed on Thursday afternoon.
The topic was heatedly discussed in the lower house of parliament, Sejm.
“The post was actually deleted after nine minutes, however, 13 people managed to like it [in that time]…” a fellow PiS member of parliament, Krystyna Pawłowicz, admitted after notifying of her plans to inform the prosecutor’s office.
“From the beginning of KOD, our leader has been the target of non-stop hacker attacks,” the democracy watchdog continued in its statement.
“The matter has been reported to the District Police Headquarters in Pruszków. Mateusz Kijowski is under the protection of police,” the watchdog explained in the statement. (ua/nh/rk)
Source: TVP/komitetobronydemokracji.pl