Police warn of fines for ‘Wet Monday’ pranksters
PR dla Zagranicy
John Beauchamp
06.04.2015 09:32
Police have warned that anyone taking the Polish tradition of ‘Lany Poniedziałek’ – or ‘Wet Monday’ – to extremes may end up being fined for antisocial behaviour.
Photo: sxc.hu
According to tradition, ‘Wet Monday’, a bank holiday in Poland which follows Easter Sunday, young boys would wake girls up by pouring water over their heads.
However, in contemporary Poland, on ‘Wet Monday’ pranksters roam the streets with balloons, water pistols or even buckets full of water, looking for victims to soak.
Police have warned that any kind of antisocial behaviour towards innocent bystanders may result in a PLN 500 fine, with the penalty also being awarded if any other forms of property, such as cars, are soaked.
“In some cases the offence may be treated as a crime and be passed on to the courts,” Maciej Rakowicz, Police press officer in Świecie nad Wisłą, told Polish Radio.
If the antisocial behaviour is caused by underage pranksters, then parents may be slapped with the fine. (jb)