Farmers pledge further wave of protests
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
23.02.2015 08:46
Disgruntled farmers pledged on Sunday at a demonstration in Warsaw that protests will continue until the government meets their demands.
Farmers protesting outside Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz's office. Photo. PAP/Rafał Guz
Sławomir Izdebski, head of the agricultural wing of the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZ), said at a gathering outside Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz's office that the protests will resume this week, and that they will ''shake Poland.''
Izdebski, who joined about 100 protesters on Sunday, refrained from providing details of where the next actions will take place, but said he would do so to do so on Tuesday.
Besides protests in the capital, farmers have taken part in road blocks at various points across Poland in recent weeks.
Farmers want compensation for a number of grievances, including land destroyed by wild boar. Likewise, protesters want to put a stop to foreigners buying up Polish land. (nh)
Source: IAR/PAP