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91-year-old wakes up in morgue body bag

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 13.11.2014 16:11
A 91-year-old woman was pulled out of a morgue refrigerator eleven hours after being pronounced dead after staff noticed that one of the body bags was moving.

Photo: Glowimages

The incident, which took place in Ostrow Lubelski, east Poland, is currently being investigated by the district prosecutor's office.

Dr Wieslawa Czyz says she was entirely convinced that the pensioner had died.'

“There was no pulse, no sign of breath, and no heart rate,” the doctor told local paper Dziennik Wschodni.

“Her eyes were wide open, but they were not responsive to light,” she added.

“I wrote the death certificate, but after 11 hours it turned out that the patient was alive.

“I can't explain it.”

The woman is now being looked after by her niece, Bogumila Kolkiewicz, and thankfully the 91-year-old has no recollection of what happened.

“Auntie was frozen right through,” Kolkiewicz said.

“Together with the doctor I heated up her hot water bottle,” she revealed, noting that the pensioner is now on the mend.

“She ate some soup and two pancakes, showing plenty of appetite,” she added. (nh)

tags: weird
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