Survey: Poles increasingly anti-abortion
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
13.08.2013 12:28
A new survey indicates that 75 percent of Poles are against abortion, marking an increase of 6 percent since 2010.
Photo: Glowimages
The poll, which was carried out by Poland's Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS), found that the vast majority of Poles believe that abortion is “wrong” and “not justifiable under any circumstances.”
Two years ago, the CBOS registered 69 percent of respondents as having the same opinion.
Poland and Ireland, both predominantly Roman Catholic countries, are the two most emphatically anti-abortion nations in the EU.
At present, Poland's abortion laws are among the strictest on the continent (following a period when the practice was legal during the communist era).
Currently, abortion is permitted if the woman's life or health is jeopardised by the continuation of a pregnancy, if the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act such as rape, or if the foetus is seriously malformed.
Meanwhile, the current centre-right government's programme to provide 15,000 hopeful couples with state-funding for IVF treatment over the next three years has proved controversial.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of socially conservative opposition party Law and Justice, said that “as a man who listens to the Church in these matters, I know that 15,000 in vitro procedures means a very, very large number of abortions.” (nh)