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Shaping a new Poland: eyewitness account by ambassador

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 01.10.2018 16:05
  • Shaping a new Poland: eyewitness account by ex US ambassador
The first US ambassador to Poland arrived in Warsaw in 1919, a few months after Poland regained independence.
Photo: Danne/www.pexels.com/CC0 LicensePhoto: Danne/www.pexels.com/CC0 License

In his notes and reports, Hugh Gibson described the difficult process of shaping a new Poland after 123 years of partition by occupying powers.

His memoirs appear in a book called An American in Warsaw.

One of the book’s editors, Vivian Hux Reed, spoke to Polish Radio’s Wojciech Cegielski.

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