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HIGH NOTE :: Songs of the Warsaw Rising '44

PR dla Zagranicy
Elżbieta Krajewska 01.08.2016 20:07
  • HIGH NOTE 16 08 01.mp3
As every year, Varsovians gather in the centre of the city to sing together
Ein Warschauer Aufständischer Ein Warschauer Aufständischer Bild: Wikipedia

August 1st is the anniversary of the Warsaw Rising - one of the most heroic and longest stands of Poles against the Nazi German occupiers in WW 2.

It lasted for 63 days, costing the lives of some 18 thousand insurgents and more than 150 thousand civilians. Its capitulation was also a death warrant for the city. razed, dynamited and burnt by the Germans. Every year for some years now, within its anniversary programme, the Warsaw Rising Museum has organised a concert in the capital's Piłsudski Square where everyone can participate in singing the songs of the Uprising.

Presented by Elżbieta Krajewska.

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