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We must protect EU’s biggest achievements, says MEP Huebner

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 23.05.2011 15:56
  • Interview with Danuta Huebner- 23.05.2011.mp3
In an exclusive interview for Polish Radio’s English Service, MEP and former EU commissioner Danuta Huebner talks about the challenges facing the euro and the free movement of people - the two pillars of European integration.


Referring to pressure from France and Italy to reintroduce internal border controls following an increase in migration from North Africa, Danuta Huebner told our reporter Michal Kubicki that she hopes Europe is not facing a temporary suspension of the border-free Schengen Zone agreement.

“In the European Parliament, we have clearly said that we are against this type of action. We believe there are many instruments within the Schengen system that would allow for the absorption of thousands of immigrants that may come from North Africa without suspending what we Poles feel is one of the biggest achievements of the EU,” she says.

Looking ahead to Poland’s presidency in the EU, starting on 1 July, Danuta Huebner spoke of “hugely indebted countries without capacity to get out of the debt crisis,” saying that the “Polish presidency might face difficult moments in the context of the developments in these countries, especially Greece.” (pg)

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