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Offside! Poland's disappointing Olympic performance

PR dla Zagranicy
Danuta Isler 20.08.2012 12:00
  • Offside! Poland's disappointing Olympic performance. Presented by Danuta Isler.
The London Games have brought dissapointment to Poland whose athletes brought back home just two gold, two silver and six bronze medals - the same as at the last two Summer Olympics

Warszawa, 08.08.2012. Złoty medalista w pchnięciu kulą igrzysk Londyn 2012 Tomasz Majewski udziela wypowiedzi mediom podczas powitania na lotnisku Okęcie, 08 bm. po powrocie z olimpady do kraju. (dw) PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Also in the program:

- national volleyball coach Andrea Anastassi offers explanation of his team's London performance
- we'll also be talking to one of the biggest heroes of the London Games - shot putter and double Olympic gold medalist Tomasz Majewski

Offside! is presented by Danuta Isler.

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