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Poland will adopt Euro when it 'best suits our interests'

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 05.12.2011 09:54
As Poland prepares for a critical EU summit in Brussels on 8-9 December, MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski has affirmed that Poland will join the single currency when it is “most beneficial” for the country.


In an interview with Polish Radio on Monday, Saryusz-Wolski said that “it is a little too early to talk about dates today.”

The centre-right Civic Platform MEP noted that the current “economic climate is unpredictable at the moment,” adding that “we need to be healthy and ready, and likewise the Union needs to be healthy and ready.”

Echoing the remarks of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Saryusz-Wolski reiterated that “we should be in the heart of Europe,” as it has always served Poland to be so, as opposed to being “a straggler” on the periphery.

He added that “we aspire to being among the most significant members” of the Union.

Meanwhile, Saryusz-Wolski outlined crucial priority reforms that he claims are needed to combat the current economic crisis within the EU.

In line with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's aims, he affirmed the necessity to change the EU treaty regarding the size of loans that member states can take among themselves, so that “no one goes into debt at the expense of somebody else.”

Saryusz-Wolski described such prospective changes as “very useful,” citing that no country would be able to loan over 60 percent of the GDP, likewise the budget deficit should not be higher than 3 percent of the GDP. (nh/pg)

Source: IAR

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