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Poland challenges EU rules on posted workers

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 04.10.2018 17:46
Poland has challenged new European Union rules on posted workers at the bloc’s top court, a senior official said on Thursday.
Konrad SzymańskiKonrad SzymańskiP Tracz/KPRM (Public Domain)

Hungary has also contested the directive on workers who travel to other EU states to work on terms set in their home country.

Poland sends more such people to work abroad than any other EU country, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

Poland and Hungary have led efforts to block the directive, which was announced in July and which has been backed by France.

Poland has claimed the new rules meant a victory for economic protectionism.

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Konrad Szymański said that some provisions of the directive violated the principle of freedom to provide services set out in the bloc’s Treaty, IAR reported.

France had complained of unfair competition from Central and Eastern European countries, where labour is cheaper.


Source: IAR

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