Ban on Sunday trading in Poland in 2020?
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
22.11.2017 13:34
Poland would see a ban on Sunday trading introduced in 2020 under plans backed by the country’s ruling conservatives, a member of the ruling party said on Wednesday.
Photo: MichaelGaida/pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons
Janusz Śniadek said his Law and Justice (PiS) party has proposed that, to begin with, trading should be banned on two Sundays a month from March 1 next year.
He added that PiS has proposed the ban should be stepped up to three Sundays a month in 2019, while from 2020 trading would be prohibited on all Sundays although some retail outlets would be exempt.
Deputies were to debate the proposed amendments on Wednesday evening.
A citizens’ bill proposing a ban on Sunday trading by most retail outlets was submitted to parliament last autumn.
Law and Justice MPs later introduced amendments that would see restrictions on shopping on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
At the end of September, Family, Labour and Social Policy Minister Elżbieta Rafalska said that a partial ban on Sunday trade could come into effect at the beginning of next year.
A survey found last month that 51 percent of Poles were in favour of restricting shopping in Poland on all Sundays.
Source: PAP