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UberEats aims for slice of pie in Poland

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 09.02.2017 14:07
The company behind car-sharing service app Uber, which entered Poland in 2014, has started delivering restaurant food in Warsaw, the Puls Biznesu daily has reported.
Photo: pixabay.comPhoto: pixabay.com

UberEats, working with 28,000 restaurants around the globe, is present in 60 cities in the United States and 21 other countries. The service is expanding in Europe, having already launched in London and Paris.

The Polish capital is the tenth European destination for the launch but the first in Central and Eastern Europe.

As of Tuesday, Varsovians are able to pick a meal from one of 150 partner restaurants between 11am and 11pm.

This is not the first such app offering food orders in Poland -- others include Pizzaportal and pyszne.pl.

But Uber claims it has an advantage as it guarantees a fixed delivery price (PLN 7.99, or less than USD 2 for a meal) and a delivery time of up to half an hour.

“We have a limited range of delivery because we care about the speed of the delivery,” Magdalena Szulc from Uber’s press office told Puls Biznesu.

On Wednesday UberEats was the most popular free app in the Apple store, ahead of WhatsApp and YouTube, which usually top the most-popular list. It has already been downloaded by five million users worldwide.


tags: e-commerce
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