Million electric vehicles in Poland?
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
07.06.2016 13:08
Poland’s energy minister has said he would like to see a million electric vehicles in use in the country ten years from now.
Opening a conference entitled "Towards Electromobility”, Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski said that widespread adoption of electric cars could generate substantial financial benefits.
“Our energy companies could make a profit of PLN two billion (EUR 460 million),” he added.
Deputy Prime Minister and Development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also attended the conference, held at the Warsaw University of Technology on Tuesday.
Tchórzewski said that "in 10 years we would like to have a million electric vehicles in our cities.”
He pointed out this would provide the country with an opportunity to reduce air pollution, which is a factor in at least 40, 000 deaths each year in Poland.
Tchórzewski cited a study carried out in major Polish cities which shows that the number of cars per family has risen to three, two of which are used within city boundaries only. (ał/pk)