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Poles over 50: almost half happy with income

PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk 27.01.2016 14:04
Four in ten Poles aged over 50 live on an income of under PLN 2,000 (EUR 445) a month, but almost half in that age group are satisfied with their financial situation, a survey has found.
Photo: Flickr.com/włodi
Photo: Flickr.com/włodi

Only 29 percent of Poles aged 50 and over are dissatisfied with their income, according to the survey by Millward Brown for the National Debt Register.

But 45 percent said they were satisfied or very satisfied.

Thirty-one percent of respondents in their fifties earning PLN 1,200 to 2,000 a month were happy with their income, but the figure climbed to more than 70 percent among those on more than PLN 3,000 a month, the researchers found.

The survey was conducted last summer on group of 1,011 people. (pk)

Source: PAP

tags: earnings, income
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