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Poland's ‘Go Arctic’ campaign gaining momentum

PR dla Zagranicy
Alicja Baczyńska 07.12.2015 12:33
The first business mission pursued as part of the programme set off for investment talks on Monday.
Photo: Flickr/U.S. Geological SurveyPhoto: Flickr/U.S. Geological Survey

As Arctic ice is thinning amid global warming at an alarming rate, Poland joins countries looking to tap into its natural resources, as minerals and fossil fuels become more accessible for exploitation.

A delegation of over ten companies left for a four-day trip to Denmark and Greenland at the start of the week, marking the official launch of the Go Artic campaign.

The Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), running the programme, seeks to encourage Polish entrepreneurs to invest in countries such as Denmark, Finland, Canada, Sweden and Iceland.

“Our main goal is to help Polish entrepreneurs to take advantage of economic opportunities created by countries that are part of the Arctic Council,” the head of PAIiIZ Sławomir Majman says.

“At first we seek to usher in Polish companies linked to environment protection, but also construction companies capable of functioning in extreme weather conditions, as well as businesses operating in the mining industry,” Majman adds.

Go Artic is PAIiIZ’s third major programme after Go China and Go Africa, centered on promoting Polish investment abroad. (aba/di)

Source: IAR

tags: Arctic, Go Arctic
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