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Polish food security improving

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 15.07.2015 09:17
Poland is one of only four European countries whose food security index has risen from 2014, though the country continues to perform badly in both research spending and transport infrastructure.
Image: GlowimagesImage: Glowimages

According to the Global Food Security Index compiled by DuPont Poland came 28th out of 109 countries under consideration, with a score of 74.2.

The country did very well in terms of categories such as ‘nutritional standards’ and ‘access to financing for farmers,’ in both of which Poland scored 100 percent.

However, Poland did badly in terms of road transport infrastructure, at 25 percent, as well as on public expenditure on agricultural R&D, at 12.5 percent.

The R&D score has halved since 2012.

“We can note two factors which have been appearing in Poland’s rating for the past four years, and on which the country [always] performs very badly,” commented Piotr Gill, director general of DuPont Poland.

“These are spending on R&D in agriculture as well as road transport infrastructure.

“At the moment we still cannot see any reaction on this from the government to try and improve something in these areas.”

Although the Global World Security Index has increased, Europe has performed badly overall.

The director general explained thatin Europe we have a surprising result this year as in the majority of countries the food security index has gone down by between 0.1 to 1.9 points.

“These changes are not very large, but they still represent a decrease.”

Poland has improved by 0.5 points since 2014, making it one of only four European countries to have increased their food security over the period. (sl/nh)

Source: PAP

tags: Food, foodstuffs
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