More than half of Poles 'satisfied with wages'
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
26.02.2015 09:00
As many as 55 percent of Poles polled are satisfied with their income, the latest survey by TNS Polska shows.
Seven percent of those polled said that their financial situation is so good that they can afford anything they need. However four percent admitted that their salaries do not even cover basic necessities.
“This group mostly contains people with primary-level and basic education, often living in the countryside, where income per household does not exceed PLN 1,500 per month. The largest group among this segment are unemployed and retired,” the authors of the study concluded.
While seven percent of Poles surveyed declared that they can afford to purchase anything they need need, the majority is not so optimistic about their situation.
"Almost half of those surveyed [48 percent] live well, but cannot afford to spend money in a carefree way. One in five Poles [22 percent] argues that in order to survive, they must really tighten their belts – and can afford a modest life, if they drastically cut spending,” the study read. (rg)
Source: PAP