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Poles four times poorer than Greeks

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 07.07.2014 08:32
The average Pole is four times poorer, in terms of assets and savings held, than Greeks and 20 times poorer than the average Swiss, the Global Wealth Databook 2013 reveals.

photo: Glow Images / East News

The survey finds that the average Pole has assets amounting to just over 20,000 USD, with the average Greek on 80,000 dollars.

The average Swiss, meanwhile, has assets and savings worth 407,000 USD.

Jeremi Mordasewicz from the Leviathan Confederation of employers told the TVP television channel that “we see Greeks as poor when they are not” when calculating wealth, not by income – where Poland is rapidly catching up with debt-laden Greece – but by assets and savings acquired over a life time or inherited.

“If Poland wants to be a rich country in the future then we have to increase the level of savings. Unfortunately, saving is not a national trait,” Mordasewicz adds. (pg)

tags: wealth
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