Slowdown hits millionaires
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
22.07.2013 10:20
Poland has seen a slight drop in the number of its millionaires, according to data released by tax offices across the country.
Photo: Glowimages
Photo: Glowimages
In tax returns for 2012, 13,349 people declared incomes of over 1 million zloty (236,465 euros), compared to 13,616 for 2011.
The drop coincides with a marked reluctance to invest on the stock exchange, with preliminary figures for 2012 indicating that trading in shares garnered a billion zloty less than in 2011, as cited by the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna business daily.
Poland's biggest earner in 2012 was from Warsaw, with earnings of 685 million zloty (161.9 million euro), from which about 28 million zloty (6.6 million euro) went to the taxman.
The youngest millionaire running a business in Poland was born in 1983, and the oldest in 1932.
Millions were typically earned in fields such as advertising, property, consulting, legal services, construction, wholesale and retail, as well as in the production furniture and metalware. (nh)