Two-in-three Poles against European single currency
PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle
26.03.2013 09:52
Sixty-two percent of Poles are against adopting the European single currency and ditching the zloty, finds a new opinion poll.
photo - PR
The poll by the Homo Homini institute reveals that just 32 percent are for entering the eurozone, in the wake of the finance crisis in Cyprus and elsewhere in southern Europe.
MP Mariusz Blaszczak, leader of the Law and Justice (PiS) opposition party which has called for a referendum on the issue – where they will recommend a 'no' vote - welcomed the poll.
“We are pleased that Poles realistically asses what is going on in the eurozone,” he said, claiming that poor countries which have adopted the euro are now poorer than they were before.
The centre-right Civic Platform-led coalition government maintains that it still aims to take Poland into the eurozone but has refused to set a date until after the next general election in 2015. (pg)
source: Rzeczpospolita