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Self-sufficiency the future for Polish energy consumption?

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 31.05.2012 12:11
A draft law looks set to sweep away the legal hindrances that are preventing Polish households from being self-sufficient in the energy sphere.

Solar panels for domestic use: photo - Wikipedia

The law, which is being prepared by the Ministry of the Economy, may be passed in early 2013, and experts believe that the act will revolutionise energy practices in the country.

According to the draft law, a householder will be provided with financial compensation if the amount of power taken from the regional network is less than that which has actually been produced domestically.

Poles will no longer be obliged to establish a business to make this possible.

The Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily claims that over the ensuing two decades, Poles will produce 10 percent of their energy from the smallest domestic installations.

The paper predicts that the Polish landscape will soon we awash with small-scale wind turbines, solar panels and other microgeneration systems. (nh)

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