Church attendance drops slightly in Poland
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
05.01.2018 12:54
Church attendance has fallen slightly in Poland, according to Roman Catholic officials.
Photo: MartinStr/ Creative Commons
Around 37 percent of Catholics in Poland went to Sunday Mass regularly last year, some 3 percentage points down on 2015, according to the Catholic Church Statistics Institute.
"Polish Catholicism is stable, and strong institutionally and in parishes,” Father Wojciech Sadłoń, head of the statistics institute, said on Thursday during a press conference in Warsaw which presented the results of research carried out across Poland last autumn.
He added: “About 93% of Poles declare themselves to be Catholics.”
Father Sadłoń said that Poland was a highly religious country compared to Western Europe.
But compared to Eastern European countries, where Orthodox Christianity prevails, “Poland is not so different," he added.
Source: PAP