Beirut Archbishop calls for end of Islamic persecution of Christians
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
23.05.2016 12:43
The Maronite Archbishop of Beirut, Paul Youssef Matar, has called on Muslims and international organisations to put an end to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, in a homily at a Warsaw church.
Photo: For The Word
Matar called for resolute action, saying that “if Christians in the Middle East are suffering today, the whole world will be suffering tomorrow”, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is not like other Muslims.
“There is no place for Christians in the Islamic State,” the Maronite clergyman said.
He came to Poland at the invitation of the Society of Christ for Poles Living Abroad and its quarterly publication Miłujcie się (Love Thy Neighbour), which has its Arabic language edition.
In his homily, he thanked Polish Catholics for their assistance to Christians in Lebanon, Syria and other countries of the region.
From Warsaw, Archbishop Mata goes to Poznań, western Poland, and to the Black Madonna shrine in the southern city of Częstochowa. (mk/pk)