Documentary about fabled WWII Polish pilots shown in New York
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
14.08.2015 09:41
‘Three pilots’, a work in progress by Polish director Tomasz Magierski about airmen who fought in the Battle of Britain, has been shown at the Piłsudski Institute in New York.
A Polish pilot who fought in the Battle of Britain. Photo: wikimedia commons
The film focuses on the life and exploits of 303 Squadron Commander and Battle of Britain Polish hero Witold Urbanowicz, Croatian-born Flight Lieutenant Mirosław Feric, whose personal diary became the Squadron's chronicle, and Canadian-born John Kent, nicknamed Kentowski by his Polish comrades.
Their stories are told in the film by their children. Witold Urbanowicz Jr found out very late what it meant to be the son of one of the war-time heroes.
Philip, the son of Mirosław Ferić, never knew his father, who was killed in 1942.
The journey through Europe allowed the daughter of John Kent, Alexandra, to discover the truth about her father. A visit to Poland proved to be a highly emotional experience for her.
Tomasz Magierski, who is also the producer of the film, gained access to archival film footage and other materials from the National Archives in Washington, the Imperial War Museum in London and the Sikorski Institute in London, as well as to the collection of photographs of Urbanowicz, Kent and several other pilots. Many unique audio recordings are also used in the film.
Squadron 303, named after the 18th century Polish national hero Tadeusz Kościuszko, is said to have claimed 126 kills in six weeks (it was withdrawn from battle on 11 October), the highest number of aircraft destroyed of the sixty-six Allied fighter squadrons engaged in the Battle of Britain.
Two leading Polish directors are currently planning to make feature films about the Polish role in the Battle of Britain, but the Polish Film Institute (PISF) has yet to contribute funds, recommending that the scripts need to be more thoroughly developed. (mk/nh/rk)