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Huge embroidered replica of Matejko masterpiece on show in Lodz

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 21.05.2014 12:10
An embroidered replica of Jan Matejko's 1883 masterpiece "John III Sobieski at Vienna" has gone on display at the Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz, central Poland.

Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski

Fifty three embroiderers from the Foundation for the Support of Culture, Arts and Crafts in Czestochowa took three years to produce the work measuring 458 x 894 cms.

The painting shows scenes from the Battle of Vienna, which took place on 11 and 12 September 1683 after Vienna had been besieged by the Ottoman Empire for two months.

The battle was won by the combined forces of the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. (pg)

tags: Matejko
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