Poet Zagajewski wins 'Chinese Nobel'
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
27.11.2013 11:32
Poet Adam Zagajewski has won the prestigious Zhongkun International Poetry Prize, an award that has been dubbed the 'Chinese Nobel for poetry.'
Adam Zagajewski: wikipedia
One Chinese and one foreign poet are honoured with the award every two years.
A Chinese edition of Zagajewski's works is curently in preparation by Professor Wu Han, whose other translations include works by such late masters as Czeslaw Milosz, Janusz Korczak and Ryszard Kapuscinski.
A representative of the Polish embassy in Beijing collected the award on Zagajewski's behalf, as the poet was unable to attend the ceremony owing to teaching obligations in the US.
Adam Zagajewski was born in 1945 in Lwow (now Lviv, Ukraine). His family's separation from that city, after Poland's borders were moved west following World War II, is a recurring feature in his work.
He studied in Krakow, but was banned from being printed in 1975, after signing an open letter along with other Polish intellectuals, criticising the communist regime. He emigrated to France in 1981.
Zagajewski resettled in Poland in 2002, but has regularly taught in the United States since then. (nh)
Source: msz.gov.pl