Warsaw’s Jewish history museum to open in October 2013
PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle
13.06.2012 10:56
Warsaw’s Museum of the History of Polish Jews will open in October 2013, with the guest list for the opening ceremony probably including US president Barack Obama.
photo - jewishhistorymuseum.org
Waldemar Dąbrowski, the director of Warsaw’s National Opera and former minister of culture, has told the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw will be opened, in all likelihood, on 20 October 2013.
Following the recent resignation of the Museum’s director, Dąbrowski was asked by the Minister of Culture to oversee the preparations for the opening ceremony.
According to Dąbrowski, US President Barack Obama, who expressed his intention to come to Warsaw for the occasion during his last year’s visit to Poland, recently reiterated his desire to come, together with his daughters.
“This is going to be a get-together of high-ranking politicians from many countries, most probably including Israeli President Shimon Peres,” Dąbrowski said.
The construction of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews is nearing completion.
Designed by Finnish architect Rainer Mahlemaeki, it is universally hailed as one of the most interesting architectural projects in the Polish capital.
The building’s façade is symbolically ruptured, opening onto undulating walls in an allusion to the Biblical parting of the Red Sea.
The Warsaw Museum will take its place as one of the three great Jewish museums in the world: the Yad Vashem institute in Jerusalem and the Holocaust Museum in Washington.
Waldemar Dąbrowski stresses, however, that it will fundamentally differ in as much as it will not focus on the Holocaust but will document all aspects of the long and vibrant presence of Jews in Poland’s political life, the economy and culture. (mk/pg)