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Poland condemns attack on British Embassy in Iran

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 30.11.2011 08:34
As UK diplomats leave Iran, Poland's Foreign Ministry has condemned the attack by demonstrators on the British Embassy in Tehran.

photo - EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh

“[T]he Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland condemns this despicable incident and expresses its utmost concern about the fate of the British diplomatic personnel and their family members,” a statement by Foreign Ministry spokesman Marcin Bosacki reads.

“We also deplore the fact that the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran decided on 27 November on downgrading diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and expelling the country’s Ambassador from Tehran,” the statement continues.

International diplomatic sources told the Reuters agency on Wednesday morning that Britain is pulling all of its diplomatic staff out of Tehran following the attack.

As police stood by, demonstrators had smashed windows at the British embassy compound, entered buildings and stole a framed picture of Queen Elizabeth II, while others carried the royal crest out through the embassy gate.

“We reiterate that in pursuance to international law the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is bound to ensure full safety of the personnel of all the diplomatic missions accredited in Iran, members of their families, the premises they occupy and their property,” the statement by Poland's Foreign Ministry says.

“We expect the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to take immediate and effective measures, in line with the international obligations so construed, in order to restore the appropriate protection of the British Embassy in Tehran and its personnel,” Poland said before the news that Britain had pulled out its diplomats, as tension between Iran and the West escalates. (pg)

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