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UK mother arrested after racist rant against Poles and blacks

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 29.11.2011 16:05
A 34-year-old British woman has been arrested after launching into a racist tirade against Poles and blacks while travelling on a London tram network.

screen shot - Youtibe

A two-minute film documenting the outburst was uploaded onto Youtube on Sunday (see below - warning: contains lots of offensive language) and it has since been watched by over 2 million viewers. The woman, who slurs her words in the film, launched into the abuse while her young son sat on her lap.

"What has this country come to? With loads of black people and a load of f------ Polish,” she exclaimed to the packed carriage.

"Sort out your own countries, don't come and do mine, Britain is nothing now, Britain is f--- all, my Britain is f--- all now," she said.

The stream of remarks prompted angry responses from other passengers, but the woman continued her tirade.

“A 34-year-old woman from New Addington {in Croydon, South London] was arrested on Monday, 28 November on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence,” a British Transport Police (BTP) spokesman told UK's he Daily Telegraph.

“This relates to a video which appeared on YouTube and was brought to police attention earlier today,” he added.

The identity of the woman has not been disclosed. (nh/pg)

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