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Polish leftists seek friends in Italy

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 22.06.2011 10:35
The Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) is to enter into cooperation with the centre-left Democratic Party in Italy.


SLD’s leader, Grzegorz Napieralski (pictured) said after talks in Rome with Luigi Bersani and Dario Franceschini that the two parties will cooperate at parliamentary level and invited Italian politicians to visit the Polish Parliament in September.

He said his talks also covered cooperation in the European Parliament, in which the Democratic Left Alliance and the Italian Democratic Party are members of the Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D).

S&D’s Martin Schultz is to take over from Poland’s Jerzy Buzek the duties of the President of the European Parliament mid-term.

Mr Napieralski said he also discussed with the leaders of the Italian centre-left Poland’s presidency in the European Union and the current economic crisis. (mk)

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