Norway wants Polish consul to be recalled: report
PR dla Zagranicy
Alicja Baczyńska
22.01.2019 08:30
The foreign ministry of Norway has said it has urged Poland to recall its consul Sławomir Kowalski, Poland’s PAP news agency has reported.
Photo: Pexels/ Creative Commons
The ministry’s spokesperson Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde told Norway’s NTB news agency that the decision was taken over Kowalski’s “performance in several consular cases which is incompatible with the role a diplomat, including conduct towards public officials.”
Kowalski is known for his conflict with Norway's Barnevernet child protection service over the rights of Polish children, Poland’s PAP news agency reported.
He has helped 150 Polish families who faced the loss of custody of their children in Norway under decisions issued by the Barnevernet, according to the news agency.
In 2016, Kowalski was named Consul of the Year by Poland’s foreign ministry for his "adequate action and skilful collaboration" with Norwegian authorities "in cases involving underage Polish nationals remaining under the custody of local welfare services.”
The diplomat has three weeks to leave Norway.
Poland has granted asylum to a Norwegian woman who fears officials in her home country would take her young child away, her lawyer was cited as saying by Polish media last month.
Source: PAP, NTB