US Embassy tribute to Poles on Polish Independence Day
PR dla Zagranicy
Victoria Bieniek
11.11.2017 20:26
US Ambassador to Poland Paul Jones and other American embassy affiliates have listed what they like about Poland in a video to mark Polish Independence Day.
Poles wave flags in a procession celebrating Independence Day in Warsaw. Photo: PAP/Bartłomiej Zborowski.
The Americans listed Polish hospitality, its historic cities, culture and cuisine.
They said “Poles are super”, commending them for their patience with embassy staff who are not fluent in the Polish language.
Jones said he and his family felt Poland was their second home.
Among dishes that the diplomats liked were Polish specialties, dumplings, cabbage rolls, and sourdough, cabbage, and beetroot soups.
They listed musicians from 19th-century composer Fryderyk Chopin to Polish jazz as well a slew of late-20th-century popular musicians.
The video ended with embassy staff saying: “Americans love Poland” and wishing them a “Happy Independence Day”.
Co amerykańscy dyplomaci lubią w Polsce najbardziej? Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Niepodległości Polsko! #likePolska #11Listopada